1. Pick up the nearest book ( of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.
I'm on the road right now, but I did happen to bring a handful of books to read when at the hotel. The one on top and closest to me was Reflections on the Word by Ken Gire. It's a devotional book that has a passage of Scripture, a short devotional writing and then a written prayer for each reading. Here are sentences six through eight:
Were sunrise and sunset under his control? Was the Faithfulness of returning seasons his merit? If the rain had been withheld, where then would have been his wealth: "The ground brought forth plentifully"; all the man could do was take nature's tides at the flood.
Kind of an odd passage, I know. But them's the rules. I believe I'll tag the following if they are so inclined: The Scylding, Internet Monk, Sherry W, Bryan Cross and Heide Seward. Hopefully they all won't hate me.
Thanks so much for doing this, Ragamuffin! The book sounds interesting; the passage seems like it might be hinting at our all too human tendency to take credit for all the good things in our lives (but blame God the minute anything bad happens).
Close. The passage was on the parable of the rich man who decided to build bigger and bigger barns to hold all his crops. Of course, his appointed hour of death was that night and then "who will own what you have?"
The rich man's problem (besides the obvious greed) was that the necessary line between him and his possessions was erased. And he also lost the perspective that the crops weren't truly his. He couldn't make them grow. He couldn't control the fertility of the soil, sunrise and sunset, the timing of the seasons or the amount of rainfall. He forgot God in this equation altogether and claimed all his material possessions and wealth as not only his, but something he himself had produced with no help.
Ah, that makes sense! A lesson we're seriously in danger of forgetting in an age of factory farming and globalization.
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